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Zamani is partnered with MeduProf-S and MPS Health Group, including Enraf Nonius Projects (EN-P hospital integration); specialists in Innovations in Health Care and Health Projects including Nursing, Medical Imaging, Health Management and Health Maintenance, Didactics and Curriculum Development, Engineering and IT, Behavioural Change, Waste Management, Agri-food, Organisation and Administration.


Both companies are involved in and shareholding with partners in different initiatives like TWIGA Ventures (Mosquito net program) and HEMMS (Health Equipment Maintenance and Management Services. They have a close cooperation with companies active in East Africa like Enraf Nonius Projects (hospital integration), Philips (large scale projects), New Generation Nutrition (black soldier fly projects), K&S consulting (Malaria projects), Nature Farms and Hendrix-Genetics (chicken breeding).


MPS is a consultancy and equipment advisory company implementing practical and innovative solutions. In 2015 MPS was founded to support Healthcare, Agrifood and Hospitality institutions with their business through networking, feasibility studies, project development and equipment advise and delivery. As MPS is fully independent and not affiliated with any manufacturer of medical equipment, we are able to provide our clients with the best functional and economic solutions without any interference of preferred manufacturers. Comparing technical functionality and pricing levels between competing manufacturers before they are presented to our clients, ensures our clients of the best and most economical solution.


All equipment supplies from MPS are of course inclusive of transport to site, installation, training of local staff and full warranty and maintenance services. For those clients who are extending existing facilities, MPS offers Procurement-fee based solutions as well.

MPS is working with a diversity of innovation partners to introduce the newest techniques and practical approach with feasibility as the main goal. We recently introduced innovations as 3d printing in a wide range from printing small parts (prosthetics, spare parts) till construction of hospitals with our consortium partners Kokon and Bruil. Furthermore they are involved in the Anti-Malaria Drones project.

Popup 3D-Print Factory

Over the past fifteen years, the fight against malaria improved dramatically. Insecticide-treated bed nets and indoor residual spraying resulted in an enormous reduction of the number of children dying of the disease. Unfortunately, it is not enough. To further reduce the impact of malaria we need more. Tools that can be implemented outdoors, at the source of the problem – stagnant, sunlit water. The cradle of mosquitoes. If we stop them there, at the source, we may stop them for good.

Using drones, we will tackle the mosquito and malaria problem right at the source, starting with large-scale irrigated rice schemes. And use an environmentally sound biological control agent that can be applied in collaboration with the local (rice farming) community. So that they will suffer less from malaria and have more time to work the fields and thus generate bigger harvests.


​Less malaria, more food. Simple and novel. Join us. Your support will contribute to a breakthrough in malaria control.


MeduProf-S covers training and curriculum development in all Health Professions including Nursing, Physiotherapy, Health Management, Health Maintenance, Waste Management and Food safety.


They are in many projects responsible for curriculum development, project proposals, design, networking with external partners and innovation projects with direct focus on Developing Countries since 1996.


​Besides they are market leader in Sustainable Medical Education for Professionals in Developing Countries, they are shareholder in different companies including KAMRIC (Kampala MRI Centre), HEMMS (Health Equipment Maintenance Management Services) and TWIGA Ventures (Printed Mosquito-nets company). 

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Willem Van Prooijen MPM

Managing Director MeduProf-S and MPS Health Group

The founder of MeduProf-S/MPS Health Group, Willem has a master in Public Management from Tilburg University/Harvard Business School and has from origin a background in Nursing, Radiography, Ultrasound and Infection Control. He was a member of the management team / lecturer Ultrasound and X-ray of the in 1990 established School for Medical Imaging and Radiotherapy at Fontys University of Applied Sciences. Responsible for curriculum development, project proposal design, networking with external partners, innovation projects and international activities network with direct focus in Developing Countries since 1996. He is owner of MeduProf-S and MPS Health Group and he is appointed on behalf of the Dutch government to coach companies looking to explore the market in developing countries.

Bart Knols, PhD MBA

Entomologist, Owner K&S consultancy

Bart is a medical entomologist with a PhD from Wageningen University and an MBA from the UK Open University. With 20 years of working experience in East and Southern Africa he has managed large-scale research and vector control programs when working for ministries, international research institutions, the private sector, and the United Nations.

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